Hautapu Ceremony

Hautapu Ceremony

Matariki whānaunga kore! Matariki tohu mate!
He hokinga mahara te whakaaro ki ō mātou tini mate i te ata pongipongi nei kua hinga i te tau kua hori nei.
This morning was a fantastic gathering for all our communities and iwi of Te Nehenehenui. More than 150 people joined us in our hautapu and Matariki ceremonies at Te Kūiti Pā.
Thank you all for being present and see you all again next year.
Koutou ngā mana, ngā reo, ngā ringa raupā i whakarangatira i a Matariki tēnei te mihi.
Kia hora te marino, kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere te kārohirohi i mua i a koutou.